The Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches in Canada have been in bilateral dialogue for more than 50 years. The Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada (ARC Canada) began in 1971, and the ARC Bishops’ Dialogue was established in 1975. This work has addressed theological as well as pastoral questions. Discover more about the dialogues.

Featured projects of the dialogue

In over fifty years of formal ecumenical dialogue, Anglicans and Roman Catholics have come a long way in terms of the agreement in faith that exists between our two churches. And yet, at the grassroots, often these breakthroughs are not that widely known. The official reports and agreed statements sometimes end up simply gathering dust on library shelves. We think that should change. And we believe that part of that change can come by telling some new stories. These are true stories of Anglican and Roman Catholic connections and partnerships in the real world, made possible by what the ecumenical movement has achieved. It brings texts to life in the lives of real people and places. We hope you enjoy them, and that hearing these stories may inspire you to create your own new stories where you live as well.

These reflections began with a group of people who spent some time wondering together about big questions. This project emerged from the work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue of Canada. It arose out of growing awareness of the changing tenor of questions in our culture surrounding religion. Ordinary Canadians seemed less concerned about the question of how to foster unity between divided Christian churches and more inclined to ask a few basic questions: Why Christianity?  Why the church? Why organized religion at all?

Ces réflexions ont commencé par un groupe de personnes qui ont passé du temps à réfléchir ensemble à d’importantes questions. Ce projet est issu du travail du dialogue entre anglicans et catholiques romains du Canada. Il a émergé de la prise de conscience croissante du changement dans la teneur des questions concernant la religion dans notre culture. Les Canadiennes et Canadiens moyens semblent moins préoccupés par la manière de favoriser l’unité entre des Églises chrétiennes divisées  et plus enclins à se poser quelques questions de base: Pourquoi le christianisme?  Pourquoi l’Église? Pourquoi, à tout prendre, une religion organisée?