Chapter VII — Being church together: On the way to unity

Chapitre VII — Être église ensemble : sur la route de l’unité

The Rev. Stephen London (middle) and participants in the Strathcona County Ecumenical Mission / Credit: Myrna Weatherby

The Rev. Stephen London is an Anglican priest at St. Thomas parish in Sherwood Park Alberta, one of the founding churches involved in the 28-years-strong Strathcona County Ecumenical Mission. Stephen tells us the story of this venerable initiative.

Le Révérend Stephen London, prêtre anglican, travaille à la paroisse Saint-Thomas de Sherwood Park (Alberta), une des paroisses fondatrices de la Mission œcuménique du comté de Strathcona. Le projet a maintenant 28 ans, comme l’explique Stephen.

These reflections began with a group of people who spent some time wondering together about big questions. Read more.